Bence Command Transit Demonstrator.




Bence Command have created a command and control demonstration unit to show their ongoing commitment to the Command and Control vehicle and IT market. After the success of the Cleveland Fire Command and Control unit, Bence Command have invested in creating a mobile demonstration suite to be able to show the latest in command and control software and technology. The vehicle will be fitted with a Ka band satellite offering the latest in broadband connectivity providing higher speeds and greater broadband capacity. We can also demonstrate our new command and control software, SUMS, which is currently available for ICT training. In addition to the fixed technology, WH Bence can also demonstrate how the command and control software can be used in a mobile format with tablet-based software being available for demonstration. For a demonstration please call Oliver Brown, Sales Director on 01454 310909 or e-mail [email protected]. Further information on the Bence Command software can be found at