Mobile MRI Trailer.




Having been a key part of the medical mobile industry for over two decades, Bence had the opportunity to design and build the latest in Siemens MRI mobiles. With their opportunity to have a clean slate on the design, we completely reinvigorated the interior layout by rotating the magnet and putting it away from the main axles. This offered a much cleaner entrance for staff and patients, as well as providing a large access lift at the rear for trolley and wheelchair patients. The interior design offered flexibility and privacy for the staff while scanning patients. The key criteria for the design was to be able to support the Siemens MRI in a variety of scenarios. Bence provided their bespoke chiller system, which offered flexibility with a dual system, providing critical backup in case of mains failure. The backup transport chiller also means that only a 30KW generator is required to support the MRI in transport mode, massively reducing the carbon footprint of the trailer when being transported and reducing the fuel usage and overall costs. The trailer is currently being deployed across the UK by Siemens Healthcare as their interim support system, providing service for replacement MRI systems and long-term hires for established Siemens Customers. Currently the trailer is deployed with a reception unit at the Royal Free Hospital in London, where it is currently scanning 08:00 to 20:00, five days a week.